/* TEAM */ Creator: Orange Pear URL: https://orangepear.com.mx Description: Orange Pear is a creative and digital branding agency started by optimistic and creative people who enjoy doing their work in a fun way. Web Developer: Ma. Rosaura Rivera López From:Puebla, Mexico Web Developer: José Rafael Modesto Servin From:Puebla, Mexico Web Designer/Graphic designer/Copy Creative/Community Manager/Blogger/Digital Marketer/SEO/Broadcaster/Photo Manipulation Artist//Photographer/Content Creator: Karla A. Ramírez Monge Facebook: @Atjazelt Email: karamirez87@gmail.com From: Puebla, Mexico Web Designer/Graphic designer/Multimedia designer/Copy Creative/Brand Leadership Coach/Community Manager/Blogger/Digital Marketer/SEO/Broadcaster/Photo Manipulation Artist/Photographer/Media Producer/Audio Engineer/Content Creator: Marlon Huerta Facebook: @marlonhuertacom Twitter: @MarlonHuertaMX Email: blackspidermedia@gmail.com From: Puebla, Mexico /* SITE */ Last Update:2021/07/20 Laguage:Spanish Doctype:HTML5 Standards:HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap Components:Javascript, jQuery, PHP, Javascript, Ajax IDE:Notepad++, Filezilla, Adobe Brackets, Atom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator